20 May 2013

Photos :: Long Weekend

We had such a busy weekend! We had our very first garage sale, which I can now cross off my 25 Things list. It wasn't as successful as we had hoped but it was a great learning experience. I sold a lot of pouches more than anything which was great.

On Saturday we had a barbecue to celebrate the new house and got some really cute photos of the girls. 

Saturday was also my mom's 50th birthday, it couldn't have been a more beautiful day. Josie picked out some really pretty flowers for her Nana and we spent the whole day in the backyard. 

Everyone is so exhausted now. Between shopping, painting the bathroom, the yard sale, the barbecue and all our company, it feels like I had no sleep at all this weekend. Today I am for sure taking a nice break from everything and just relaxing with Josie.

How was everyone else's long weekend? 

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