Taking A Break
Hey guys! I'm still here! Alive and well. Wow, it's been a long time since I've last posted on here. Trust me, it wasn't from lack of interest. In fact, I've missed blogging so, so much. I had so many ideas in my head for April, and for my blog anniversary. Unfortunately, I couldn't execute any of them because my computer ended up with a string of nasty malware, spyware and adware. Yes, all of that. I decided that after having that computer for a few years, it was time to get a new one, so that we could swipe the old laptop back to its restored settings, get rid of all the bad bugs it had and then Jesse could have it for himself.
Enter my brand new laptop, a beautiful HP Envy with more space that I can even fathom. Blogging will be SO much easier for me now and I can't wait to get some drafts done up and start blogging again. I feel like a big piece of my heart has been missing. I feel so relieved now!
Thank you to all my readers who have been checking up on the blog and wondering where I've disappeared to. I appreciate all your patience with me and I hope you stick around and continue to read my blog even though I've been away for so long! Spring is in the air and there is so much to do, so much to photograph and so much inspiration to be had! Here's to new computers and a fresh start to the blog writing process! See you soon, lovelies!
xo Amber
photo via.
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