8 September 2015


Hello?! ~echo, echo, echo~
Have you ever just let life slip by for an entire Summer for no apparent reason at all?
Welcome to the inspiration for my vacant blog. ~insert crying laughing emoji~
I hope to be back again soon. We are obviously in some desperate need of updates. Bare with me here.

xo Amber

2 July 2015

Now On Etsy!

Hey loves,
A heads up - you can now purchase Northern Flicker candles on Etsy! Click here to view the Summer collection plus a couple more limited scents that are available, or click on some candles below!

xo Amber

4 June 2015


I've been a ghost lately. My apologies, I've been working extra hard at starting up my candle business. I do wish to continue this blog, but it will eventually be more aimed towards promoting my candles, scents and business adventures. It's not that I don't love to blog anymore, I will always love writing and sharing pieces of my life. Blogging has just taken the bench for a little while. I will try my hardest to post regularly and catch up with you, my lovely readers, but for now you'll have to be patient with me. 

With that being said, I do hope, very much so, that my readers will stick around to hear about my business adventures and how much I absolutely love making candles. This truly is my passion and I cannot wait to share it with my community, and eventually, the world! I encourage all of you to follow my Instagram, and there you can follow my candle making and other antics. 

xo Amber
© 2025 Northern Flicker Co.
Design:Maira Gall.